also sprach Timo Sirainen <> [2016-07-22 09:51 +0200]:
>    pgsql: Query failed, aborting: SELECT p.userid, p.password, u.uid AS 
> userdb_uid, u.gid AS userdb_gid, u.home AS userdb_home, u.mail AS userdb_mail 
> FROM dovecotpassword('test','') p, dovecotuser('test', 
> '') u WHERE doveadm
> So here it means that the passdb_query has something like "...
> WHERE %s". The %s expands to the service name, which could be any
> of imap, pop3, lmtp, doveadm, sieve, and several others. In this
> database apparently there are "imap" and "pop3" fields in the
> database but not "doveadm" and maybe not the others. When using
> "doveadm auth" without explicitly specifying the service name, it
> also defaults to "doveadm".

Thanks for the explanation. Just one question: does it make sense to
default to doveadm in this case? It's not really a service, or is
it? Wouldn't it be better to make the service parameter required, or
use a 'true' (tautological) default?

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  proud Debian developer
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems

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