On 8 September 2016 at 11:48, Ilias Tsitsimpis <i.tsitsim...@gmail.com>

> I am afraid this cannot be done easily, because OfflineIMAP distinguish
> between sslcacertfile having and not having a value.


This means that if Debian provides a default value for the
> sslcacertfile, then it is not possible to connect to a server without
> verifying its certificate (and thus rendering the cert_fingerprint
> option obsolete).

​Is it not possible for the user to unset sslcacertfile?

If that were necessary in order to use just cert_fingerprint, that would be
an extra signal to the user that they are making their setup potentially
less secure.

> That said, OfflineIMAP provides the special value OS-DEFAULT for the
> sslcacertfile option which will automatically determine the system-wide
> location of the standard trusted CA roots file.

​That's a help, thanks (I've used it); perhaps it could be documented in
the man page?​


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