On 2016-10-21 10:22, Golda Velez wrote:
| [ISC License is cleared] Its hard to get the University to change anything
| since it has to go through approval processes.

Don't say :-)


| Tom Gries has been distributing agrep, which I'm pretty sure is covered by
| the same license

The license looks the same, but the actual COPYING file contents is
not the same. Could you two work out to inegrate the changes.

    head -5 upstream-webglimpse.git/agrep/COPYRIGHT 


    ==> upstream-webglimpse.git/agrep/COPYRIGHT <==
    This material was developed by Sun Wu, Udi Manber and Burra Gopal
    at the University of Arizona, Department of Computer Science.
    Permission is granted to copy this software, to redistribute it
    on a nonprofit basis, and to use it for any purpose, subject to
    the following restrictions and understandings.


    ==> upstream-wikinaut.git/COPYRIGHT <==
    As of Sept 18, 2014, Webglimpse, Glimpse and Agrep are available under
    the ISC open source license, thanks to the
    University of Arizona Office of Technology Transfer and all the developers,
    who were more than happy to release it.

Question about the development:

- Is agrep actively developed at the University or is Tom the main
  developer now?

About development

I'm wondering if it were a good idea to have separate repository for
agrep. The code could still be built as usual

     git checkout <webglimpse URL> webglimpse.git
     cd webglimpse.git
     git checkout <agrep URL> agrep 

     ...add that to README and check in Makefile rule to
     ...run clone for agrep as needed.

This would produce identical development structure[1]:

    +- grep/                    <from separate URL>
    +- compress/
    +- dynfilters/
    +- glimpse/                 separate repo for this too?
    +- index/
    +- libtemplate/
    +- test/

To think about it, making a separate repository for the command line
utility "glimpse" could provide useful for separate packaging of that


[1] http://webglimpse.net/download.php
    git clone https://github.com/gvelez17/glimpse.git

[2] https://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Tools-Submodules

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