Quoting wi...@infradead.org (wi...@infradead.org):
> Package: installation-reports
> Image version: 
> http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/non-free/cd-including-firmware/weekly-builds/amd64/jigdo-cd/firmware-testing-amd64-netinst.jigdo
>  timestamped 2016-11-28 06:24
> I was installing over wifi, and encountered two problems.
> First, it said it needed non-free firmware for the iwlwifi that it
> couldn't find ... but I'd used the non-free jigdo above, so I thought they
> probably were on the USB stick.  I asked it to look and it found them.
> Why didn't it find them the first time?
> Second, it prompted me to enter the WPA2 passphrase, but it displays the
> password as I typed it instead of masking it with dots the way that it
> does for user & root passwords.

This is #768914 and FWIW, I personnaly do not agree with changing the
password phrase prompt to hide the text as typed.

The only idea that comes to my mind is a (low priority) debconf
question before the passphrase prompt, asking users whether they want
the passphrase to be shown as typed or not.


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