Thanks to Paul Wise for the heads-up.

OLPC still has a software and hardware organisation (me), and is
using a Debian derivative (Ubuntu) on our latest hardware (NL3), using
the Debian packages of Sugar desktop.

Debian should drop olpc-xo1, olpc-powerd, and olpc-kbdshim.

OLPC models are XO-1, XO-1.5, XO-1.75, XO-4, and now NL3.

Right now, OLPC has manufacturing capability for XO-4 and NL3.

Debian only really worked well on the XO-1 and XO-1.5 models; these
are no longer manufactured, units in the field are past end of life,
and are failing at an expected high rate.

Anybody relying on an XO-1 or XO-1.5 should buy a new laptop.  ;-)

Disclosure: I'm paid by OLPC.

James Cameron

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