
I suppose your findings are both good and bad. Good that things work for you, bad they aren't for me.

On 01/18/2017 11:17 AM, Axel Beckert wrote:
I've now managed to temporarily install xymon-client on a machine
which has:

* Xymon 4.3.27-3+b1
* systemd as init system
* These interfaces:

  → ifconfig | egrep '^[^ ]'
  enp0s25: flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
  lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING>  mtu 65536
  teredo: flags=4305<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,NOARP,MULTICAST>  mtu 1280
  wlp3s0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500

This should be close enough to your setup.

Yes, pretty close:

$ ifconfig | egrep '^[^ ]'
eth0: flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING>  mtu 65536
wlp4s0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500

Same xymon-client version with systemd and udev.

On the server side I have the xymon package version 4.3.28~rc2-1 (from
Debian experimental) running on a Raspberry Pi.

Which version of Xymon do you have running on the server side?

Is the server side also running Xymon 4.3.27? Or is it running an
earlier version than the client, e.g. 4.3.17 from Debian 8 Jessie?

I suspect this is where the issue lies as I am running Debian 8 with only the kernel upgraded via backports to 4.7 at this time. The version of Xymon is *4.3.17-6+deb8u1* which is listed as most current without using backports.

I'm somewhat loathe to have a mixed system for my daily workhorse, so maybe I'll just live with things as they are now, and just have to keep the interface rename using udev .link files.

Other thoughts are appreciated, but I think the problem problem lies with the age of the server side application as you seem to indicate.


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