
Mateo Boudet <mateo.bou...@irisa.fr> writes:

> Hi,
> Without the "OpenStack" key, most of the instance configuration works 
> (using the EC2 key to configure maybe), but some parts are missing, such 
> as "Vendordata" which are not passed to the instance.
> As far as I know, the "ConfigDrive" is a different way to configure the 
> instance.
> (Nb: This is using a Mitaka Openstack deployment, it might be different 
> with Newton)

You're right, it seems the OpenStack source is missing from the debconf
templates, even though it is supported (actually, it seems to be working
in the stable images built with build-openstack-debian-image from
package openstack-debian-images).

So one has to manually add it to /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/90_dpkg.cfg, but
with the risk to see it overwritten by dpkg-reconfigure-ation.

Unfortunately, as this applies to stable/jessie, I'm not sure this may
be fixed, now that stretch is ahead quite soon.


Best regards,

Olivier BERGER 
http://www-public.telecom-sudparis.eu/~berger_o/ - OpenPGP-Id: 2048R/5819D7E8
Ingenieur Recherche - Dept INF
Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis, Evry (France)

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