Control: severity -1 important

Hi Ximin!

On Mon, Feb 06, 2017 at 05:22:08PM +0100, Ximin Luo wrote:
> [...]
> I can see that MathJax.js and all other scripts are loaded from a file:/// 
> address, except for:
> It would be good if this did not happen, or at least it should not happen
> *automatically* with no user-visible warning or opportunity to disable this
> remote loading. I am not sure what is causing it, but:

Interesting. Looks like it happens for all packages, not just yours.

I see three ways to fix it:

A) Package as a separate source and
   make MathJax use it.

B) Patch MathJax to remove the accessibility-menu extension from default

C) Bundle accessibility-menu.js with MathJax package, and update the paths
   to it in the default configurations.

I think I will go with C) for Stretch, and maybe consider A) post release.

Dmitry Shachnev

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