Matthew, I just built your package on sarge, it went fine. Good job.


I noticed you chose not to have a README.Debian file. That's probably
ok, since most of the weirdness affects package maintainers and not
package users. On the other hand, you might want to create one and
include a link to this conversation (bug 256283) in case the end user
is wondering why the heck it isn't included in Debian proper. Your

Andi, how about distributing the binary package (.deb) from the
PyLucene website while things are shaking out? Or perhaps Matthew
can distribute from, and have a link from the PyLucene
homepage? This can be done immediately, allows Debian sarge users
to try out the package and provide feedback, and will make a few people's
lives a little easier. I can't think of any disadvantages.

Matthew, I think your list of open issues is spot-on. One good thing about
item #3 (building Java Lucene 1.9 with a Free Software toolchain) is this
goal is shared by the folks who package Java Lucene. That's Barry,
myself, and other members of the Java packaging team. I can assure you
there will be no lack of motivation and manpower for the task if Eclipse
ever starts depending on Java Lucene 1.9.


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