On 11/03/17 08:36, Olly Betts wrote:
On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 02:59:10PM +1100, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
I've configured this module according to the README instructions, but it 
doesn't work - any
attempt to authenticate results in the following in the Apache log:

[Fri Mar 10 14:49:34.047665 2017] [authn_core:error] [pid 15805] [client] AH01796: AuthType NTLM configured without corresponding 

I have put the following in a <VirtualHost>.

        <Proxy "*">
                AuthName "NTLM Authentication thingy"

                NTLMAuth on
                NTLMAuthHelper "/usr/bin/ntlm_auth 
                NTLMBasicAuthoritative on
                AuthType NTLM
                require valid-user


I have marked this important as the package would seem to be unusable.
Did you enable the module as well as installing the package?

sudo a2enmod auth_ntlm_winbind

Once I do that, the verbatim first example in README (i.e. using
<Directory> rather than <Proxy>) seems to work for me.  At least I don't
get the error above and a login box pops up in the broswer - I don't have
anything actually set up to auth against (which is why I've orphaned the

Yes I do have the module enabled.

$ ls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled

access_compat.load  authn_core.load         authz_user.load  deflate.load  
filter.load   mpm_prefork.conf    proxy_http.load  setenvif.load       

actions.conf        authn_file.load         autoindex.conf   dir.conf      
headers.load  mpm_prefork.load    proxy.load       socache_shmcb.load  

actions.load        auth_ntlm_winbind.load  autoindex.load   dir.load      
include.load  negotiation.conf    reqtimeout.conf  ssl.conf            wsgi.conf

alias.conf          authz_core.load         cgi.load         env.load      
macro.load    negotiation.load    reqtimeout.load  ssl.load            wsgi.load

alias.load          authz_groupfile.load    dav.load         fastcgi.conf  
mime.conf     proxy.conf          rewrite.load     status.conf

auth_basic.load     authz_host.load         deflate.conf     fastcgi.load  
mime.load     proxy_connect.load  setenvif.conf    status.load

I tried it on a <Directory> and got the same thing.

        DocumentRoot /srv/web/testproxy
        <Directory /srv/web/testproxy>
                Options FollowSymLinks
                AllowOverride None

                NTLMAuth on
NTLMAuthHelper "/usr/bin/ntlm_auth --helper-protocol=squid-2.5-ntlmssp"
                NTLMBasicAuthoritative on
                AuthType NTLM
                require valid-user

[Tue Mar 14 12:07:55.169134 2017] [authn_core:error] [pid 32017] [client] AH01796: AuthType NTLM configured without corresponding module


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