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On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 09:04:21AM +0200, Gregor Riepl wrote:
> > It looks like this has been forgotten?  I would like to get Cura into 
> > Debian,
> > so if there's anything I can do to help, let me know.
> I'm sorry for the lack of action on my part, progress was stalled since some
> of the criticised points are a bit difficult to fix, and I've been too busy to
> invest much time into the them.

No problem, thanks for working on it!

> I did cut down on them a bit, but the packages are still not done yet.

Cool.  I'm sure we'll get there. :)

> > This is quite confusing, and I would prefer to make it right in Debian.  
> > And of
> > course try to convince upstream to make it right as well.  I'm not sure if 
> > it
> > generates junk; it might.  You should run piuparts to see if ldconfig 
> > creates a
> > symlink that is not cleaned up on package removal.
> I reported the issue upstream, but haven't received a conclusive repsonse:
> https://github.com/Ultimaker/libArcus/issues/52

That looks good.  I hope they will respond.  It is bad for users if Debian's
and upstream's SONAMEs are incompatible; if they install something from us and
from online, it will break things.

> One of my suggested options would require changing upstream versioning
> altogether, the other would assimilate the Debian package version to what they
> are already using. And awhienstra said they would be changing Arcus versioning
> anyway.
> So I'm not sure what to do.

The important part in terms of compatibility is the SONAME.  So the version of
the package doesn't really matter, but the files and symlinks in /usr/lib
should be properly named, and if possible, the SONAME should be identical to
what upstream uses.

> >> Also, CuraEngine is a core component of Cura, and while I assume it can be
> >> used standalone, it's usually not meant to be executed from the command
> >> line.
> > 
> >> But I can take a look and provide a simple man page, if that's desired.
> > 
> > No, you don't need to do that.  As you say, it's not meant to be used 
> > directly.
> > That means two things: it doesn't need a manpage, and it must not be in the
> > (default) executable path.  So install it under /usr/lib/cura/ or
> > /usr/lib/cura-engine/ and make sure the cura package calls it from there.
> > 
> > This means you do need to change the cura source, I suppose, but in this 
> > case
> > that's part of integrating the program with Debian, so it is "strictly
> > necessary".
> I'm a bit reluctant to do this, as it will introduce additional maintenance
> overhead. But if this is the 'proper' way to go, I'll look into it.

Well, the other option is to say that users can use it directly.  This is a
reasonable thing to say; I'm actually planning to set up some automated slicing
system which uses only the engine, not the gui.  So in that case, it should be
in the executable path, and it should also have a manpage.  For programs like
this, most of that manpage can be the contents of the --help output.

As for the capitals in the filename: I don't think there's a rule against it.
Most programs don't have capitals in them, so you could ask upstream to
consider changing it (but you can also not bother them), but it's not a big
deal, and having the same name as upstream is more important than it being

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