On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 11:45:18AM +0200, Sandro Knauß wrote:

would it be possible to make available qtwebengine 5.9 in experimental with
the rest of the Qt stack? This package seems to be the only one omitted.

well we try to update it as fast as possible, but QtWebEngine is not very easy
to package, that's why it is not uploaded right now. But in our git repo you
find a preversion of the package ( to build locally):

Thanks I have missed that. I will build that locally. I understand that qtwebengine is quite a beast. Thanks for all your work to get this packaged in debian, it makes my life much easier.

I'd like to test my app in debian with Qt 5.9.
I'm curious, what app your are packaging, that uses QtWebEngine 5.9?

It does not require 5.9, it runs fine with 5.7 in sid. I just want to make sure that it will continue to run fine with 5.9.


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