Package: git-buildpackage
Version: 0.8.17
Severity: normal


gbp import-orig stared producing merge commit messages like 
this one:

    Updated version 20170702 from 'upstream/20170702'
    with Debian dir 43f841d7950f0587745d57c8c87fd79e1aed60dd

which I don't really like for the three following reasons:

1. The commit message uses a really bizzare format of:
    A description of the change split for some

    reason in the middle of a sentence

instead of:
    Short summary of the change

    More detailed description possibly consisting of several
    lines or even paragraphs with each sentence ended with 
    a trailing dot.

2. I am not native speaker, and maybe that's why I have an impression
that a small word "to" is missing in "Updated version 20170702". But to
be honest I can't really see the need of duplicating the version number
in the same line. Prevously the version was mentioned once in the summary, 
and once in the long description, what IMHO looked much better:

    Merge tag 'upstream/20161007'
    Upstream version 20161007

3. The commit message uses past tense ("Updated"), where previously infinitive
was used (e.g. "Merge").

It would be nice if all those three items could be fixed. In my opinion
something like this:

    Merge tag 'upstream/20170702'

    Update to upstream version 20170702
    with Debian dir 43f841d7950f0587745d57c8c87fd79e1aed60dd.

would but better, but as I wrote I am not a native.


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