* Peter Samuelson 

| Which leaves us with the recommendation *not* to use LANGUAGE *at all*.
| Would you agree?

Either that, or make sure YESSTR/NOSTR (from I18N::Langinfo) are
usefully populated and use those.  (They seemed generally not to be
based on the discussion on #debian-devel yesterday).

Another solution (which I mentioned yesterday) is using something

$ye = langinfo(YESEXPR);
if (langinfo(YESSTR) =~ /^$) {
    for ('a' .. 'z') { $y = $_ if m/$ye/ };
} else {
    $y = langinfo(YESSTR);

and then use $y as the yes string.  Similar code for «no», obviously.
This is not pretty, but would work around the problem here.

Tollef Fog Heen                                                        ,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are      : :' :
                                                                      `. `' 

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