On Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 11:03:23PM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
>Would anyone on the Policy list or any of the maintainers bcc'd want to
>make a case for keeping the virtual package "editor"?

No strong objection to removing this virtual package.

>In previous discussions, no one seemed to feel that it was helpful as a
>virtual package.  Virtual packages are only useful for another package to
>depend on (or recommend or suggest), or for someone to manually use as in
>"apt-get install editor", neither of which seem like useful actions here.
>(Or to conflict with, but that's obviously wrong here.)  No packages
>currently declare any type of dependency on editor.

Note that there *are* a handful packages which still depend/recommend/suggest
editor and will need bugs raised along with those for the editors providing

  $ apt-cache showpkg editor
  Package: editor

  Reverse Depends:


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