also sprach Guido Günther <> [2017-09-14 13:27 +0200]:
> Libvirt itself does not interface parsing. It relies on augeas for
> that (and I thought that would be fixed in stretch).

Yes, augeas parses this, but augeas also works fine:

  root@eugene:/etc/network/interfaces.d# augtool print 
  /files/etc/network/interfaces.d/local-wan/#comment = "The primary network 
  /files/etc/network/interfaces.d/local-wan/auto/1 = "wan"
  /files/etc/network/interfaces.d/local-wan/iface = "wan"
  /files/etc/network/interfaces.d/local-wan/iface/family = "inet"
  /files/etc/network/interfaces.d/local-wan/iface/method = "static"

So this is likely a netcf issue, actually. Should I reassign to

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  proud Debian developer
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
i welcome your constructive criticism and corrections.

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