On 19 November 2017 at 20:46, Vincent Lefevre <vinc...@vinc17.net> wrote:

> BTW, since readline6 has been replaced by readline7: I have not tried
> readline7. If it has the same problem, then I suppose that this bug
> should be reopened and reassigned to readline7.

​My notes suggested that this bug was fixed in readline6, but I just tried
it and it's still present, so yes, you're right.​

​One of the other bindings I have is for "\C-w", which turns out (I had not
realised) to be one of the combinations that, bizarrely, one can bind to a
macro but not a command. Sigh…I've added this to the top of my todo list
(not that that means it'll get looked at soon, though!)


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