also sprach Jeff <> [2017-11-28 22:15 +0100]:
> > Today, it suggested 2017-12-07. Something really just isn't working
> > right. Please either leave the field empty, or fill it in with
> > TODAY().
> I've just tested this, and for me it is still working as advertised -
> ~/.config/gscan2pdfrc has a "date offset" field, which is used to
> calculate the date.
> Can you check this?

I did. If I remove the date offset (== 0), then today's date is
used as default.

If I change the date to e.g. 10 days ago and save a file, then "date
offset" becomes -10. If I now wait 2 days before using gscan2pdf
again to save a file, it'll apply -10 and default to the date 8 days
ago today.

I'm failing to see the logic behind all of this.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  proud Debian developer
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
no. no musicals. i loathe musicals. i never did have a plan for
doing one. my cousin made me sit through some fucking musical twice.
i just hate them. they bore me stiff. i think they’re just horrible.
even _hair_. and they're always lousy music.
               -— john lennon, _the lost interviews_ by ray connolly

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