Hi, thanks for your questions. :)

I will reply your questions, in the reverse order.

> This is a native package, so really "Adopting" it also means taking care
> of the (little) code there is inside.  Therefore, turning it into a 3.0
> (quilt) package is most probably not an appropriate action.

Change native to quilt probably was a mistake due to my lack of
experience. Thanks for pointing it out, I will read more for better
understand the difference between quilt and native.

> You wrote to the O bug, but without turning it into an ITA [...]

hummm...  Another mistake due to the lack of experience. I thought that
reply with the ITA in the subject changes it, sorry. My mistake. Could
you give me some hints here?

> [...] importantly without writing *why* you'd like to adopt such odd package.
> I'm honestly curious: I'm kind of biased here as I was the one massaging
> it into shape when it needed it last year.

I will try to be brief with my 'why'.

First of all, I am interested in software distribution and I really like
to understand about Debian package structure.

My first contact with xml-core came from my attempt to adopt dia
package, wherein the field "Depends on packages which need a new
maintainer" pointed out some packages, one of them is xml-core. I
decided to better understand xml-core. In the end, it sounds to me a
good opportunity to learn more about a native package and at the same
time reduce one of the dependencies without a maintainer (I am totally
aware about the responsibility to maintain a package). 
> And all in all, I personally doubt the usefulness of doing an upload
> only bumping std-ver (to a version that is not even the last) and just
> tweaking a couple of other fields.

I did what my current knowledge in Debian package enabled me to do. When
I looked at the xml-core files, I did not find anything that I can
improve, however, if there is any problem with it I will be glad to put
effort to improve it.

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