Jonathan Nieder wrote:
> Markus Koschany wrote:

>> freeorion: [1]
>> Rather sophisticated game GPL-2 licensed but with various contributions
>> / incorporations under different licenses. So I can't just write Files:
>> * -> GPL-2. I have to list all licenses with separate paragraphs
> Looking at the latest clarifications to copyright-format, I see
>  Files: *
>  Copyright: 1975-2010 Ulla Upstream
>  License: GPL-2+
>  In this example, copyright in all files is held by the upstream, and
>  that copyright holder grants license under the GPL, version 2 or
>  later.
> which I fear is ambiguous.  If the copyright field names multiple
> copyright holders, do all files have to be copyright by all of them,
> or can the copyright to some files be held by some of them and to
> others by the other?

Fortunately [1] says

  Not all copyright notices may apply to every individual file

so a pointer to there might be enough to remove the ambiguity for the
Copyright field.

[2] says

  This field should include all text needed in order to fulfill both
  Debian Policy's requirement for including a copy of the software's
  distribution license (12.5), and any license requirements to include
  warranty disclaimers or other notices with the binary package.

but doesn't speak to what to do when e.g. license requirements or
warranty disclaimers vary between files matching the file pattern.



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