Control: retitle 885759 Use /var/run as a statedir, and not /var/run/slurm-llnl

On 12/01/2018 19:39, Hattne, Johan wrote:
> I’m not sure providing a consistent value in the default configuration file
> would be appropriate.  If one sets SlurmPidFile in slurm.conf, it will apply
> to all the members of the cluster, because slurm.conf (by default) has to be
> identical on all the nodes.  This is fine if all the nodes are identically
> configured.

Indeed, but this works fine if your cluster runs the same OS.

> However, we have a somewhat heterogenous cluster, where some nodes are not
> running Debian, and their startup scripts consequently look for the PID-file
> in /var/run (the default in the slurm code).  If we set SlurmPidFile to
> /var/run/slurm-llnl/ we run into the same issue there.

Indeed. That's the case where things work less nicely. :-) While not ideal, a
simple "mkdir" and an update to the configuration file would solve this

> I suppose patching slurm to write its PID file to
> /var/run/slurm-llns/ in conjunction with a consistent default
> configuration file would work as well, but that’s a bit more work (and the
> Debian slurm will diverge a tad from upstream).

I agree. My patch would only help others to not fall into the trap of using
slurm's default pid paths. A more suitable mid-term goal would be to use
/var/run as a state dir, just like upstream. I'll leave this bugreport open
(and retitle it accordingly) to remind us about what's remaining to do.

Before doing so, I'd like to hear from my co-maintainer about the reasons of
why we are using /var/run/slurm-llnl instead of /var/run in case I've missed



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