
Thank you
So as dm-tool lock seems actually to be working on my my Debian and I
did not anything fancier else than install lightdm via apt-get can you
recommend other help here. IT is a security concern as I think

kind regards

-----Original Message-----
From: Yves-Alexis Perez <cor...@debian.org>
To: Josef Moosbauer <jo...@moosbauer.net>, 887...@bugs.debian.org
Subject: Re: [Pkg-xfce-devel] Bug#887773: It is possible to circumvent
authentication after locking screen in lightdm
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2018 21:24:09 +0100

On Wed, 2018-01-24 at 21:16 +0100, Josef Moosbauer wrote:
> Hi
> Not that I know off:
> @smo-zen:~$ ps -afx | grep lock
>    43 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [kblockd]
> 13456 ?        S      0:00  \_ [lockd]
> 28944 pts/0    S+     0:00  |       \_ grep --color=auto lock

So that's expected. If you want the screen to lock using dm-tool,
install a
screen locker like light-locker, recommended by lightdm.



kind regards / mit freundlichen Grüßen

Moosbauer Josef


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