Hi all,

I have this problem on 8 embedded systems running armbian stretch that all
reports error like this on the systemd journal:

Feb 16 14:17:10 rod-ba82a8 console-setup.sh[293]: /bin/setupcon: 866:
/bin/setupcon: cannot open /tmp/tmpkbd.BccRnI: No such file
Feb 16 14:17:10 rod-ba82a8 systemd[1]: console-setup.service: Main process
exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Feb 16 14:17:10 rod-ba82a8 systemd[1]: Failed to start Set console font and
Feb 16 14:17:10 rod-ba82a8 systemd[1]: console-setup.service: Unit entered
failed state.
Feb 16 14:17:10 rod-ba82a8 systemd[1]: console-setup.service: Failed with
result 'exit-code'

So it look like the /tmp mount is required. I added it into
the RequiresMountsFor line of the service file, run systemctl
daemon-reload, but this make no change on the boot: console-setup failed
with exactly the same error message.

Then I tryed to run 'setupcon' and 'reboot', no change.

Then I tryed to run 'systemctl start console-setup.service' and 'reboot':
it worked !.

So my conclusion so far are:

1) Yes setupcon and  console-setup.service require /tmp mount but this is
not the rot cause of the problem, even if the error message let you think

2) Simply running 'systemctl start console-setup.service' manually solved
the problem on those 8 systems that also have /tmp added
into RequiresMountsFor.

Look like a timing and probably a dependency issue that make early
console-setup to fail because it didn't find a expected file into /tmp. I
don't know how this file is supposed to be there at bot time.

Best regards.

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