On Thu, 1 Mar 2018 10:20:28 -0500 (EST), Thomas Dickey wrote:

| > "default" happens to be the default value, but it is a setting that is | > saved in .lynxrc, so once changed, it persists. | | I agree. But after a fresh install the Bash-like-Bindings are not default, | are they? If not, in my opinion that should be changed. | | That would also close this bug report (well design flaw in my opinion). No | re-write of vim's code necessary at all in this case. a fresh install will never modify your "~/.lynxrc" file, since it is not part of the package. (reinstalling vim doesn't alter your .vimrc or .viminfo files, either)

I know. Let's assume a *fresh* *installation* of vi(m), may be as part of a fresh Linux installation. There will be no .vimrc or .viminfo I understand. But it should write a /etc/lynx/lynx.cfg . I suppose the maintainer could change this file by adding
lineedit_mode=Bash-like Bindings

there. Thus every fresh install would create the behavour of deleteing the character after the cursor when hitting DEL. If a user doesn't like this, for what ever reason, he could change this in the ~/.lynxrc .

In the end, only changing the /etc/lynx/lynx.cfg would take care of this (IMO) design flaw.

Random thoughts

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