On 2 March 2018 at 06:49, Frédéric Bonnard <fre...@debian.org> wrote:

> On Thu, 15 Feb 2018 23:21:41 +1300, Michael Hudson-Doyle <
> michael.hud...@canonical.com> wrote:
> > ​Ah I wondered what that upload was about :-) Thanks for the patches. I
> > can't help wondering if the correct fix is not to remove Go 1.8 from
> > unstable instead though. It will only be supported until 1.10 comes out
> in
> > at most a few weeks and long out of support by the time buster is
> released.
> > Is there any reason you need 1.8 specifically?
> Hi again Michael,
> just to be sure as you seem to be the good person on both side : Debian
> import freeze for Ubuntu Bionic is today (which I thought would be not
> so early) and will 1.8.3-2ubuntu1 remain for bionic ? (it built on
> ppc64el)
> I just wanted to be sure the failing 1.8.5 won't be propagated.

The correct thing to do for Go 1.8 in bionic is to remove it. I should get
onto that...


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