Le 26.02.2018 à 01:28, Adam Borowski a écrit :
>> Since upgrading from 1.2.20130907-4.1 to 1.5.20161216-2 this week (as a
>> result of the updated package hitting testing) I'm getting lots of
>> messages of the form:
>> Feb 16 09:36:14 eris minissdpd[15233]: peer a.b.c.d:60644 is not from a LAN
> This includes the gateway (both IPv4 and IPv6), making upnp not functional.
> It's especially wrong for:
> peer [fe80::....]:47432 is not from a LAN
> fe80::/10 addresses are link-local, scope:link, and no non-misconfigured
> router will ever forward such packets -- thus you know that they're either
> genuinely local or have been specifically made to look this by something
> that _is_ local.
> I haven't touched minisspdp's config in any way, and the above happens even
> when there's only one interface configured.
It can happen if minissdpd is run with -6 option to enable IPv6 but the
network interface to listen to is not specified correctly by name (eth0).
Please check what command line arguments are used.
It should be something like
minissdpd -6 -i eth0
minissdpd -6 -i


Thomas Bernard

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