It is possible that older versions are not vulnerable.

$ sudo apt-get install leptonica-progs

$ TMPDIR=/var/tmp fileinfo /tmp/foo.jpg
Error in fopenReadStream: file not found
Error in pixReadHeader: image file not found
Error in writeImageFileInfo: failure to read header of /tmp/foo.jpg

$ fileinfo /tmp/foo.jpg
Reading the header:
  input image format type: jpg
  w = 3148, h = 3652, bps = 8, spp = 3, iscmap = 0
  xres = 300, yres = 300
Reading the full image:
  input image format type: jpg
  w = 3148, h = 3652, d = 32, spp = 3, wpl = 3148
  xres = 300, yres = 300
  colormap does not exist

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