Control: owner -1 !

On Mon, 2017-12-04 at 18:11 +0000, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> It is often difficult to determine what is happening with a
> particular
> queue-viewer run, and sometimes several minutes pass with no apparent
> processing or output.
> It would therefore be useful for some form of logging and/or
> introspection framework to be added to queue-viewer and the
> debrelease.* libraries.

I've made a start on this - queue-viewer and (most of) the libraries
log to ~release/var/data/queue-viewer/logs/current, and there's a
secondary log alongside for the bin/queue-viewer wrapper script.

The individual scripts still need a fair amount of work on the log
entries they generate and appropriate severities for them - most of
them will end up in "debug", which doesn't quite feel fine grained

For now I created the log file as "2018-03" and symlinked "current" to
it. We'll need a monthly cron job to generate the new log files and
update the symlink target (or someone will need to update queue-viewer
to allow patterns in the log filename).


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