Hi Bo Lan,

I got the same problem after recovering from a filesystem error.

The error can be reproduced exactly as you described.

I ran libpinyin in the terminal and got the following error message:

debian-user:~$ /usr/lib/ibus/ibus-engine-libpinyin --ibus
ibus-engine-libpinyin: ../src/lookup/phonetic_lookup.h:901: bool
pinyin::PhoneticKeyMatrix*, const pinyin::ForwardPhoneticConstraints*,
MatchResult) [with int nbest = 3; MatchResult = _GArray*; GArray =
_GArray]: Assertion `m_user_bigram->store(last_token, user)' failed.

So this error is related to the user data. When you select a phrase other
than the first one, libpinyin will try to store it in your home folder. If
it doesn't work it will fail and exit.

You may want to check the contents in ~/.cache/ibus/libpinyin/ . I simply
deleted all files in this folder and kill ibus-engine-libpinyin process to
restart it. They things come back to normal again. I think the problem you
have is likely to be the same as mine. If not please provide error messages
when you run ibus-engine-libpinyin in terminal


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