Believed fixed  in Debian package 1.76.0-1

Status of various vulnerabilities, as per upstream:

        * CVE-2018-7442: potential injection attack because '/' is allowed
          in gplot rootdir.
          Functions using this command have been disabled by default in the
          distribution, starting with 1.76.0.  As for the specific issue, it
          is impossible to specify a general path without using the standard
          directory subdivider '/'.
        * CVE-2018-7186: number of characters not limited in fscanf or
          allowing possible attack with buffer overflow.
          This has been fixed in 1.75.3.
        * CVE-2018-3836: command injection vulnerability in
          This has been fixed in 1.75.3, using stringCheckForChars() to
          rootnames containing any of: ;&|>"?*$()/<
        * CVE-2017-18196: duplicated path components.
          This was fixed in 1.75.3.
        * CVE-2018-7441: hardcoded /tmp pathnames.
          These are all wrapped in special debug functions that are not
          enabled by default in the distribution, starting with 1.76.0.
        * CVE-2018-7247: input 'rootname' can overflow a buffer.
          This was fixed in 1.76.0, using snprintf().
        * CVE-2018-7440: command injection in gplotMakeOutput using
          Fixed in 1.75.3, which blocks '$' as well as 11 other characters.

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