What is the state of this? I​ am on stretch backports trying to upgrade
from ​390.48-2~bpo9+1 (everything working fine) to ​390.48-2~bpo9+3. I am
experiencing something which is another symptom of this bug. Many packets
are held back. I believe the fundamental problem lies with

 nvidia-driver : Depends: nvidia-driver-libs (= 390.48-2~bpo9+3) but it is
not going to be installed or
                          nvidia-driver-libs-nonglvnd (= 390.48-2~bpo9+3)
but it is not going to be installed

​I am on stretch backports trying to upgrade from ​390.48-2~bpo9+1
(everything working fine) to ​390.48-2~bpo9+3

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