Am 29.06.2018 um 17:20 schrieb EmTeedee:
> Hi,
> The application we are using uses Eclipse Equinox, which is an OSGI framework.
> It is not trying to parse the debian version number, it is trying to parse the
> version of exported OSGI packages.
> This is used to resolve dependencies and is a core feature of OSGI.
> It looks like the offending version number comes from the Export-Package[1]
> attribute in /usr/share/tomcat7/lib/tomcat-jdbc.jar:/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
> In the stable package (7.0.56-3+deb8u11), the version reads "7.0.56"
> In the security update (7.0.56-3+really7.0.88-1) it reads 
> "7.0.56-3+really7.0.88"
> This simply isn't a valid version specification, see e.g.
> The stable package must have set this version number independently. If this is
> actually 7.0.88, I suggest that that should be put in there.

Ok, that makes sense. If this is the only MANIFEST file that needs an
update, we can patch it with the next update.

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