Sorry for the confusion guys, I assumed (perhaps as Tony did) we'd need an
RFA/something to transfer maintainership to Chris & was just trying to keep
everything moving in the interim.

Chris, if you're ready to take ownership of hiredis immediately it's all
yours -- can I suggest you:

   1. Clone and push everything
   up to wherever is convenient for ongoing maintenance if you want to keep
   git history from this point forward. (I have no intention of deleting the
   repo from GitHub, but don't want a thoughtless repo deletion to cause you
   folks any headaches in the future). Note I haven't yet tagged
   debian/0.14.0-2 just yet but it can be safely made against the HEAD commit
   on master -- I'm not near my Debian "stuff" right now, but I can create the
   tag later today if you don't beat me to it.
   2. Take care of whatever needs to happen in the packaging and/or Debian
   infra RE: reporting you / the redis team as the maintainers of the hiredis
   packages (including taking point on the issue tracker etc.)
   3. Do whatever you need to do to get 0.14.0-3 out the door without me
   getting in the way.

Tony, don't think there's any action needed from you or me at this point.
Thanks so much for your help with the earlier releases of 0.14.0 & taking a
look at the backport, hope I didn't waste too much of your time in the

I think that's everything Chris, but let me know if you need anything else
on my end.


On Sun, Nov 4, 2018 at 10:29 AM Chris Lamb <> wrote:

> Tony,
> > transition maintainership, we can file an RFA bug, which is all of the
> > formality that is needed.
> hm? No formalities are required. Indeed, an RFA bug would actually
> be misleading here as it implies a request for anyone to adopt it
> (vs.  me adopting it).
> > Also, since I have porterbox access, let me know what would be helpful.
> I wouldn't spend too long; this architecture is notorious. Just
> make it non-fatal on that arch and move on. :)
> Regards,
> --
>       ,''`.
>      : :'  :     Chris Lamb
>      `. `'` /
>        `-

*Tom Lee */ / @tglee <>

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