ADB is now updated to Oreo release, and I just tested `start-server` regarding 
your report.

> "adb start-server" starts the adb service with a unix-domain socket by
> default (local:5037 maps to /tmp/5037).  This is potentially a risky
> process (e.g. like the symlink attack from the logfile mentioned in
> #688280). 

I don't see any mapped file created under `/tmp` any more. I believe this 
behavior is changed by now.

> In addition to being risky, adb does not clean up its unix-domain
> socket when it shuts down, but leaves the socket in place.

What I can confirm is that after I run `adb kill-server` the 5037 TCP port is 
no longer listened.

Can anyone else confirm on the problem again?

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