Sorry for the incomplete bug report, I hit send too quickly.

After upgrading from Redis 4 to Redis 5, lua scripts cannot use the cjson
library anymore.

    $ redis-cli EVAL 'cjson.decode("{}")' 0

    $ redis-cli EVAL 'cjson.decode("{}")' 0
    (error) ERR Error running script (call to 
f_358b937508335722d5ffc098351582c0fe28e64e): @enable_strict_lua:15: 
user_script:1: Script attempted to access nonexistent global variable 'cjson' 

The issue seems related to packaging since running the command on the official 
Docker image for Redis 5 gives the expected output.

$ dpkg -l | grep lua
ii  liblua5.1-0:amd64               5.1.5-8.1+b2                   amd64        
Shared library for the Lua interpreter version 5.1
ii  lua-bitop:amd64                 1.0.2-4                        amd64        
fast bit manipulation library for the Lua language
ii  lua-cjson:amd64                 2.1.0+dfsg-2                   amd64        
JSON parser/encoder for Lua

Nicolas Le Manchet

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