Hi Janusz,

Tesseract 4 uses tesseract-ocr-deu and tesseract-ocr-script-frak.
Tesseract 3 uses tesseract-ocr-deu-frak

I am worried about confusing users. If we include both sets of language
data in Debian, there will a huge number of choices, and some users
might feel overwhelmed. However, Alexander thinks it could work with
package naming, like this:


I am also a little worried about the support costs of exposing lots of
to the legacy engine. It will make it harder to remove the legacy engine
completely from future Tesseract.  Especially if other Debian packages
start to have dependencies on it. Also bug reports against the legacy engine
will not get much attention from upstream.

We'll discuss this with upstream, but in the meantime I have a question for
you: What is your best guess for how many people are like you, and want to
use the  Tesseract 3  engine in Debian?


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