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On Sun, Nov 18, 2018 at 08:49:37PM +0100, Genomian wrote:
> Dear Maintainer,
> during install (dpkg --configure) postinst hangs, it seems because of service 
> starting,
> since from what I've seen typing # service irc-hybrid stop in another console 
> fix the problem


Sorry for the delay in responding.

I wasn't able to reproduce this issue; could you provide more information?
Does it happen after a fresh install? (run apt-get remove --purge ircd-hybrid
first) or only on an upgrade?

Is it possible that it's being very slow to generate an SSL key? I
note you're running on a raspberry pi and I don't know what the situation
with entropy generation is like there.

If you can inspect the system when it's hanging to see if any processes
are running (ps axww) that would be interesting.


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