On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 10:14:42PM +0000, Julien Palard wrote:
> I do not feel like re-reading the whole maintainer guide tonight to play the 
> "find the 7 difference" game between "level 7" and the "current level". But 
> don't hesitate to tell me if there's some (simple) steps missing for this 
> cross build to pass.

Take your time. The bug at hand is not release-critical and Debian is
currently frozen. You shouldn't be uploading this to unstable anyway
before buster is released.

The debhelper warning is quite harmless and my patch is sufficient for
making logtop cross build. It is informing you that you are using old
interfaces and should be upgrading eventually, but not necessarily now.
man 7 debhelper has an upgrading checklist for your convenience.


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