Hi Norbert,

I wrote to you not to be aggressive, because I've seen so many posts of
yours toward everyone. Yet, you still call me a liar. On top of this,
you give yourself the permission to lecture me about the CoC. Well done!

Now, let be still, despite your tone, to go to the bottom of the issue.

On 10/15/19 12:12 AM, Norbert Preining wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> thanks for your email. 
> In case you decide to return to generally agreed upon community
> standards of communication, including the CoC, and stop spreading
> FUD and lies, I will happily discuss with you the issues at hand.
> FUD and lie:
>> particularly counter-productive, since we're not seeing any progress
>> being done on calibre, neither upstream or in Debian.

It's been nearly a month that the calibre package is in this shape, ie
not converted to Python 3. Besides this:


How is this a lie? There's no FUD either, just facts. There's also this,
from the author itself:


I don't see any sign that the upstream author has changed his mind, and
is willing to do the work of moving to Python 3. Or has this changed? If
so, please point to some upstream commit showing there's ongoing work.
Then you'll be able to tell me I was *mistaking* (and not lying).

BTW, if you're not aware, we just discussed, within the Python team,
about raising the severity of packages using Python 2 to serious. That's
regardless of what happened the dependency of the package. So even if I
revert the upload of cherrypy3 (which, again, can only happen if
tumbleweed does it on objgraph), your package will have to continue to
be RC.

I very much have the same opinion as Neil Williams here:

Also, IMO you are mistaking when referring to Doko's mail about keeping
python 2 application. I don't think this would include something like
Calibre, unfortunately, especially it if has many Python 2 dependencies.

> Lie:
>> to, this wont help. Doing BTS ping-pong wont help either.

I completely fail to see where the lie is... You've downgraded the
severity for your package to normal, cloned it to cherrypy3 where you've
set the severity to serious. That's BTS ping-pong to me. Or did I miss

In any case, CC-ing the community team is a good idea, especially when
gratuitously calling me a liar publicly.

Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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