Package: hello
Version: 4.0-2 

I accidentially upgraded my system from squeeze to buster - including
I use an old Lotus Notes 6.5 client which worked fine under wine in

After upgrade, the drop down list for the fonts is corrupt.

Example (no guarantee for the spelling of the bullshit)
ddress Book
Default MultiLingu|  &
Default Sans Serif
Default Serif
ersion >>. 2|

the correct list I can remember as
Default MultiLingual
Default Mono
Default Sans Serif
Default Serif

So as it looks, some of the correct entries are still there, some are
missing or damaged, and a lot of bullshit is mixed in.
Everything is sorted in alphabetical order.

The error is the same in the edit area, in the property window and in
the default font configuration menue.
So it's not a GUI thing related to some widgeet, but an error in
retrieving the font list, I think.

For the subset of fonts that are correct, I can select them and
properly format text. If I select errorneous font, I get a message 
"Specified font is not configured in system."

I add a screenshot for clarity.
Part of the bullshit looks like sensible notes information.
May that hint to sth like a buffer overrun?

I tried to pin down the cause by using different wine versions from
WineHQ repo and from PlayLinux, but no difference.

I tried different font lists with winetricks - no difference.

I installed a new empty wine prefix with winetricks and installed a
fresh notes within to exclude corrupt data - same picture.

I have a visio and a LTspice in different wineprefixes where I could
not find a similiar error.

I suspect that Notes is using some specific menue call to get its font
list from down the OS library cascade that somewhere got broke.

Any help is appreciated,
Im glad to supply test data upon instruction.


Wolfgang Rosner

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