On 1/29/20 4:21 PM, Roman wrote:
> Faced, very likely, same issue on Debian Buster with pure-ftpd-postgresql 
> version 1.0.47-3. My pure-ftpd is configured
> via SaltStack so configuration is exactly the same between hosts, but after 
> setting up new Debian 10 host and rolling
> out my SaltStack config on it, I found that authentication always fails.
> What does not help:
>   * I checked PostgreSQL queries from pure-ftpd to PostgreSQL with tcpdump 
> and found that they are exactly same as on
>     old Debian 9 host.
>   * I tried switching to cleartext "encryption" and supply md5 hash as a 
> password in ftp client - no luck
> What proves that the problem is caused by Buster packages (in my case version 
> 1.0.47-3):
>   * I've installed packages v. 1.0.43-3 from Stretch to Buster and with same 
> config files everything work flawlessly.
> What helped:
>   * I've changed 'PGSQLCrypt' from 'md5' to 'any' and everything start to 
> work as expected with Buster version 1.0.47-3
>     packages.
> -- 
> Roman

Hello Roman,

I see the problem but at this point I have no idea what causes it.


Ecommerce and Linux consulting + Perl and web application programming.
Debian and Sympa administration. Provisioning with Ansible.

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