Andreas Henriksson <> writes:

> I'd like to ask if there are anything that requires attention before
> can move forward? Help is available if
> actionable problems are described.
> I'd like to remind you that policy now explicitly states that providing
> native systemd units is recommended and we have a GR stating that
> declarative solutions are preferred. I don't think we can get much
> further into a decision-has-been-made territory.
> Seeing that this bug was opened over half a decade ago with patch
> provided makes me quite sad about how broken the Debian development
> model is and how pointless it apparently is to try to contribute
> improvements.

I have no objection to this other then technical issues. Plus the lack
of time on my behalf.

I tried making this change, and found it appears to be incomplete,
lintian complains with the following errors:

E: amavisd-new: omitted-systemd-service-for-init.d-script amavis-mc
E: amavisd-new: omitted-systemd-service-for-init.d-script amavisd-snmp-subagent

Maybe we need some sort of disabled by default systemd file for these
services too?
Brian May <>

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