> this is still happening: i'm trying to upgrade dblatex to the latest
> upstream release and the source package has 2 upstream tarballs.
> `gbp import-orig --uscan` imports only the "main" tarball but not the
> additional component (`examples`,
> https://salsa.debian.org/debian/dblatex/tree/pristine-tar) and `gbp
> import-orig ../../dblatex*orig*` complains multiple files are
> specified on the command-line, and i did not find a combination of
> commands to import 2 tarballs one after the other.
> I'm not sure how frequent is the case of multiple tarballs, but it
> would still be extra-useful if this bug could be addressed soon.

nevermind (i guess?), upon further reading i found out i need to use
the `--component` cli option; maybe an example in the doc/manpage
would be useful? thanks for maintaining gbp!

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