images in svg are the source. Would be better to store in svg format
and convert to png in build time. Are there only external companies
logos in repository, or are there some images that we may change in
the future? If we will not resize the images or change them in other
way, then I think it would be viable to convert and store them to png

If choose to convert them, as far as I know, we need to install a
software in the build container and it takes some time. Maybe there is
one container with the required software or the build process is made
in other way. Store only the svg would make thinks more organized and
easy to edit.


2020-02-29 19:33 GMT-03:00, Holger Wansing <hwans...@mailbox.org>:
> Package: www.debian.org
> As tidy constantly complains about
> *** /srv/www.debian.org/www/partners/2018/index.en.html
> line 159 column 3 - Warning: <img> attribute "width" has invalid value
> "height="
> line 255 column 3 - Warning: <img> attribute "width" has invalid value
> "height="
> *** /srv/www.debian.org/www/partners/2019/index.en.html
> line 75 column 3 - Warning: <img> attribute "width" has invalid value
> "height="
> line 159 column 3 - Warning: <img> attribute "width" has invalid value
> "height="
> line 255 column 3 - Warning: <img> attribute "width" has invalid value
> "height="
> *** /srv/www.debian.org/www/partners/2020/index.en.html
> line 75 column 3 - Warning: <img> attribute "width" has invalid value
> "height="
> line 159 column 3 - Warning: <img> attribute "width" has invalid value
> "height="
> line 255 column 3 - Warning: <img> attribute "width" has invalid value
> "height="
> *** /srv/www.debian.org/www/partners/index.en.html
> line 77 column 3 - Warning: <img> attribute "width" has invalid value
> "height="
> line 161 column 3 - Warning: <img> attribute "width" has invalid value
> "height="
> line 257 column 3 - Warning: <img> attribute "width" has invalid value
> "height="
> which is all about width/height information in svg graphics:
> what about converting the relevant images (google.svg and
> stackpack-logo-reversed.svg)
> into some other format, like png?
> Please excuse my ignorance, I have no detailed knowledge on vector
> graphics:
> maybe there is a reason why we should use svg there.
> However, png is widely used in the partners section...
> I have attached png variants of the relevant images.
> Holger
> --
> Holger Wansing <hwans...@mailbox.org>
> PGP-Fingerprint: 496A C6E8 1442 4B34 8508  3529 59F1 87CA 156E B076

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