> I too tested in a VM (with KDE) but to no avail: I wasn't able to reproduce 
> the problem with it.
> I will test this week-end an update, then a full reset of my Mumble prefs, 
> and will tell you the results.
> PS: thx for your invest

Thanks for taking the time to try reproducing the problem; I'm glad to have
verification that the issue is not as serious as it first appeared.

I'd like to think that there would be a comparable difference between the KDE
test VM and the Debian Sid/Testing instance that is having Mumble audio issues.
 A logical possibility would be something related to the PulseAudio settings /
installation or perhaps AppArmor security settings related to audio, if those
have been customized.

I find these types of investigations can be worthwhile, as they can be good
learning experiences.

I'll try to think of whether there's another way I can help.

  -- Chris

Chris Knadle

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