On 4/3/20 11:22 AM, Christophe Moille wrote:
> Le vendredi 03 avril 2020 à 10:50:11 (+0200), Stefan Hornburg (Racke) a écrit 
> :
>> On 4/3/20 9:57 AM, Christophe Moille wrote:
>>> Le lundi 30 mars 2020 à 13:19:14 (+0200), Christophe Moille a écrit :
>>>> Can't locate mhamain.pl:   lib/mhamain.pl: Permission non accordée at
>>>> /usr/bin/mhonarc line 39.                                              
>>> Got some new result tests:
>>> root@zat:/home/whilelm# sudo su  sympa -s/bin/bash
>>> sympa@zat:/home/whilelm$ /usr/bin/mhonarc
>>> Can't locate mhamain.pl:   lib/mhamain.pl: Permission non accordée at
>>> /usr/bin/mhonarc line 39.
>>> sympa@zat:/home/whilelm$ cd
>>> sympa@zat:~$ /usr/bin/mhonarc
>>> Can't use 'defined(%hash)' (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
>>> at /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/mhamain.pl line 1565.
>>> Compilation failed in require at /usr/bin/mhonarc line 39.
>>> sympa@zat:~$ 
>>> If I comment l36 of 
>>> #    unshift(@INC, 'lib');  # Should I leave this line in?
>>> I have no more permission denied error
>>> root@zat:/home/whilelm# sudo su  sympa -s/bin/bash
>>> sympa@zat:/home/whilelm$ /usr/bin/mhonarc
>>> Can't use 'defined(%hash)' (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
>>> at /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/mhamain.pl line 1565.
>>> Compilation failed in require at /usr/bin/mhonarc line 39.
>>> sympa@zat:/home/whilelm$ 
>>> Regards
>> Hello Christophe,
>> /usr/sbin/mhonarc should use the scripts located in /usr/share/mhonarc, so 
>> it looks like
>> your local (Perl) setup causes the problems.
>> Regards
> I used `/usr/lib/sympa/bin/sympa_wizard.pl --check` on my instance when
> it was debian 8, and I have executed again when debian 9.
> Maybe that's a contribution to the problem. Is there knowed problems
> with this script on debian 9 ?
> Regards

Yes, that sounds like a reasonable explanation for your problem. I suggest to 
remove these Mhonarc scripts
from /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1.


Ecommerce and Linux consulting + Perl and web application programming.
Debian and Sympa administration. Provisioning with Ansible.

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