On Sat, Apr 25, 2020 at 4:41 PM John Scott <jsc...@posteo.net> wrote:

> On Fri, 24 Apr 2020 23:33:59 -0400 FeRD <ferd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > What version of libopenshot is that result from? The Clang namespacing
> was
> > fixed with the merge of 2a1fe80[1] on 2019-10-29, and would be included
> in
> > both libopenshot-0.2.4 and libopenshot-0.2.5.
> I used version 0.2.2+dfsg1-1 which is the current version in unstable. I'm
> not
> the maintainer; upgrading it is outside of my domain (esp. in light of the
> following).

Ah, gotcha. Yeah, libopenshot 0.2.2's *tests* not building with Clang is a
known issue,
which has been fixed since 0.2.4.

> Right, I know what'll pull it all together. It seems that the source for
> libopenshot includes embedded code copies of JUCE, and code copies are
> strongly discouraged in Debian, even if they don't make it into the
> binaries.

> That file is a Debian-specific README mostly addressed to developers that
> says
> to replace bundled copies of JUCE and use the code in package juce-modules-
> source instead. This approach seems to have not been taken.

Understood. Well, looking at things from that direction, fortunately the
code is all sequestered into a separate package, libopenshot-*audio*, which
libopenshot depends on.

Really there's nothing to libopenshot-audio OTHER than a customized build
of JUCE, to be honest. (Customized == pared down, mostly. We don't use any
of the GUI components. So it's "JUCE but only these six modules: core,
data_structures, audio_basics, audio_devices, and audio_formats.")

If Debian maintains JUCE as a distro package, and it would be a compatible
alternative to our JUCE-based "libopenshot-audio", I don't see any reason we
can't add an option to libopenshot's CMake configuration that tells it to
use those libs, completely replacing libopenshot-audio — which would
become entirely superfluous in that scenario.

This is the perfect time to do it, too, as I've been gutting and reworking
large parts
of libopenshot's build system recently — sticking in a "USE_SYSTEM_JUCE"
option would be no trouble at all.

Is there an importable CMake configuration for the distro JUCE package, by
any chance, or should I put together a find module as well?

> I hope this makes clear the nature of the obstacles ahead.

It makes the *situation* much clearer, yes thanks — but so far I'm still
optimistic that this is pretty easily solvable, really. Then again, I
rarely see
obstacles until I barrel into them at 50 MPH, so I guess we'll see how
go. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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