On 2020-04-27, Buck wrote:
> Yes sorry.  The command:
> `~/my-simple-cdd$ build-simple-cdd`
>> You may also want to use "--auto-profiles NAME" additionally
> Why?  The documentation is not clear how --auto-profiles vs --profiles works.

"profiles" defines which profiles are included in simple-cdd,
"auto-profiles" selects which profiles to use at run-time without asking
the user.

>> It would be helpful if you could provide your proposed profile in
>> more detail. 
>> Ideally, the exact commands you ran and the exact state of
>> the directory you're running them from.
> The command is above.  The state is that ~/my-simple-cdd/ has a
> profiles/ directory.  profiles/ directory contains custom.description,
> custom.packages, custom.postinst, custom.udebs, custom.preseed.  Do
> you want the details from each of these?

Yes, please include the contents of these files, otherwise it's
essentially impossible for me to understand what you're doing or what's
going wrong.

If you want to override parts of the "default" profile, you also need
~/my-simple-cdd/profiles/default.* as well. The "default" profile is
always included, and for questions asked very early in debian-installer,
the only way to preseed some questions using simple-cdd. That said, not
including or aggressively overriding contents in the default profile is
possible to break how simple-cdd works, so be selective in what you
override. In general, I've tried to make the default profile not too
intrusive, so it shouldn't need to be overridden in most cases...

>>    * What exactly did you do (or not do) that was effective (or
>>      ineffective)?
> I have been changing Debian versions, thinking the problem is bugs in
> simple-cdd, tasksel, or reprepro.  Different erros come up with
> different versions.  All are being reported.
>> If you want to override the built-in profiles, you need to create
>> replacement files (e.g. profiles/default.preseed,
>> profiles/default.*), though I would generally recommend providing
>> additional profiles rather than overriding the default profiles.
> I did the latter of these, added profiles/custom.X files.  However
> when I do this, I get this current error where the CD is created and
> it looks like a normal Debian installer that asks quesitons that I
> believe are answered in the custom.preseed file.

The custom.preseed file may not be loaded till later in the process; it
depends on which questions you're thinking are answered by it. There is
a question during the install that asks which simple-cdd profiles to
load; any pquestions asked before that obviously can't be preseeded.

> I also tried using a default-custom (as in, a template for X.preseed
> that I found online) and this also build a default Debian install CD.
>>    * What was the outcome of this action?
>>      New error: $default_desktop not defined
> The error for this bug is not an error message, it is a working Debian
> installer CD that behaves different from I expect, becaues it behaves
> like a default Debian installer.
> But what is reporting error
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=958276
> ($default_desktop) is the output of build-simple-cdd.

Where do you expect $default_desktop to be defined? Again, including
the actual files you're trying to use would make it a *lot* easier for
me to see what you're doing, or even reproduce whatever issue you're
having if it is indeed a bug.

>> It will read the profiles from profiles in your working directory,
> This does not happen, but I am happy that you say this is what should
> happen.  That tells me that there is a bug that is preventing my
> ~/my-simple-cdd/profiles/custom.X files being read.  It is also
> possible I have a bad config but I don't think so because I tried a
> default custom config.

Are you running from ~ or running from ~/my-simple-cdd ?

> Can you suggest a config I should use to test, that will create a
> Debian installer that is different from default to verify that this
> preseed is being read?

you can just specify one of the profiles in
/usr/share/simple-cdd/profiles, preferably in a directory that does not
contain any "profiles" directory:

  simple-cdd --profiles router,x-basic

That should create an installer image that prompts weather or not to
load the router and x-basic profiles during the install, and then loads
the profiles you've asked for, or if you select none of them, a minimal
install just using the default profile.

If that's not working, then there's definitely a bug in simple-cdd.

live well,

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