Hi Tiziano,

On 2020-04-24 12:37, Tiziano Zito wrote:
>> In any case, the official version has certainly seen far more widespread
>> use than the PyPI version (the former being around for a decade, the
>> latter for a few months), so we need to be aware that changing this
>> might break a lot of existing code out there...
> I understand. In an ideal world, upstream would just take cover PyPI
> packaging and the whole mess would be over... But you are also right
> that the official version has been around far longer than the very young
> PyPI port...

I eventually filed an issue with the PyPI maintainer on GitHub [1] with
a request for them to resolve this with upstream directly, as that
seemed to be the most appropriate course of action.

In the meantime, to get python3-libsvm working again, the immediate fix
will be to merge communutil into svmutil [2], with I'm afraid is the one
not compatible with the new python3-mdp you were preparing.

While patching python3-mdp locally would be one possible avenue for
update you had in mind, this might also be an issue worth discussing
with upstream, to find an "official" solution.

I believe upstream wouldn't have to do much more than

  import libsvm.svmutil as libsvmutil
except ImportError:
  import svmutil as svmutil

In a handful of spots.

[1] https://github.com/ocampor/libsvm/issues/6

[2] This is what happens inside of svmutil anyway, and the docs never
use commonutil -- it's only mentioned as a pragmatic solution to share
code with liblinear.

Sorry I don't have better news.


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