On Sat, May 02, 2020 at 11:24:59PM +0200, Bastian Blank wrote:
> cloud-init does some basic tasks, like
> - network config (currently completely shadowed by our own),
> - ssh host keys.
> I think the most sensible setup would always enable cloud-init, and if
> it only runs with the fallback datasource.
> Currently we are using ds-identify.  This tools does not have any way to
> only enable the fallback data source.
> Any ideas?

By fallback datasource, you mean "None"?

We could always reintroduce the use of debconf for datasource selection,
and avoid depending on ds-identify at all.  The nice thing about that is
that we could then pre-fill that answer in our cloud images and
configure an explicit datasource there, too.

(Note that I don't actually *like* the idea of reintroducing debconf...)


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